I've worn either eye glasses or contact lenses since the 7th grade and anyone else who also wears them would probably share the same thoughts with me that it's such a hassle keeping up with them. I REALLY hate eye glasses and the way they love to slide off my non-bridge nose and give me headaches. I loathe having to fork up $80 for an eye exam each year just so I can purchase more contact lenses. Waking up to a bunch of blurry objects and blindly fishing for my eye glasses on my side desk every morning is such a pain.
So I did my cost analysis for the procedure, and it looks like I could possibly be saving myself $4,450 if I get to live up to 80 and my eye sight is still good. The procedure costs $2700 for both eyes and at $130 a year covering eye exams, contact lens purchases, and solutions to maintain my lenses, I would be spending $7150 until age 80.
It's amazing how a 10 minute procedure can effectively cut a cornea and correct eye vision.
On another happy side note, Happy Father's Day! I can't wait to thank my daddy for borning me and eat some steak!